10 Questions To Ask During Test Driving

Now you have developed the urge to drive, and you can’t wait to get your hands on those wheels and cruise around. You are having goosebumps already, and the only thing you are thinking of right now is the test drive you would get before making your choice on the type of car you would want to buy.
There is a couple of things you would need to have in mind when going in for a test drive. Want to know? Read on. Test driving is one of the coolest things to do when you are at a dealership. Some would give you the privilege of driving just any car you want, so long you are buying a car that day from the dealer.
What you would be learning today is the vital knowledge and understanding that will benefit you during your test-driving exercise. There are certain questions you need to ask during your test drive lessons at the dealership. These are considered very important because they will help with whatever happens in the future.
Top 10 Questions to Ask During Test Drive
These are the typical type of questions to ask when you get to the dealership for a test drive, and they are as follows:
1. What should I do when I have a flat tire?
This section is always very important to understand as a driver. You must know what to do when you experience a flat tire. You might consider it to be stressful, and not fit for you to do.
Always make sure that you have the telephone contact of your vehicle mechanic to always attend to any needs regarding your car maintenance and up keep.
2. What should I do when I have my tire blown out?
Having a flat tire is very much way different from having a blown-out tire. If you find yourself driving and all of a sudden you experience a blown-out tire, what do you do?
These are the things you get to learn when taking a test drive. Your instructor would put you through and tell you the best and possible things to do when such a scenario arises.
3. What should I do at an intersected roundabout?
Some newbies can get confused at this. But, if you tend to signal and flash your pointers when coming at the intersection, you won’t forget this.
Prior knowledge and practice are required for this. Getting the best you can from your test drive instructor should be paramount for you.
4. Why must I be extra alert for motorcyclists?
Maybe you might be thinking that there is no need for this, but in this part of the world, motorcyclists don’t use the sidewalks or crossroads. They just ride by the same roads we drive on.
So, it is always very important for you as a test driver to always be on the lookout for them. This would help in keeping you aware of what needs to be done.
5. What to do when parking downhill using the parking brake?
When you are trying to park downhill, don’t believe that the car won’t roll down the hill because you used a parking brake. There are certain techniques one can use in parking downhill like turning your tires to the right.
Your test drive experience should cover all these up. Try turning your tires in an opposite direction to make sure that the car doesn’t face point uphill.
Related: What to Check Before Buying a Used Car
6. How much space is sufficient when trying to bypass a vehicle?
When driving on a road where cars come in an opposite direction, you should know the amount of space to give a bypassing vehicle.
As a test taker, it depends on the size of the other vehicle coming, and all these can be done between 2 to 10 seconds.
7. What should I look out for when on a test drive?
When going on a test drive, there is basically nothing much to look out for. All you need to check are the necessary parts of the car if they are functioning well such as; the gear stick, the steering, the brakes, etc.
8. For how long should I take the car out?
When it comes to taking the car out, it doesn’t count. There should be some time to be stipulated for some test-driving class. Knowing when it is convenient to drive and when it isn’t convenient to experience a proper test drive. All it matters is for you to have enough time behind the wheel for as much as you can.
9. Do I need insurance?
This is very important for you as a test driver. You need to get some insurance cover if you want to drive on busy roads.
More especially when it is somebody’s car, you need some type of third-party insurance to cover you. If you do not have one, try to call some insurance agents to help with the documentation.
10. Is there any deal breaker?
What is that thing that separates every other thing from what you are seeing right now? That is the deal breaker for you.
When you are going for a test drive or just getting done with a test drive, take some minutes and ask yourself, is there anything that you didn’t like while you were on the road about the car? These things will help you in determining if you want to proceed with the decisions you have made or not.
Wrapping Up: 10 Questions To Ask During Test Driving
Test driving is one of the wonderful moments for every test driver out there. This is the time you get to check features on the vehicles and create the moments you want to enjoy at any point.
It is also a time to learn what you never knew before about your preferred car. When going for test driving, gear up and enjoy the best of the experience. This is a knowledge and experience which you don’t forget too often.
You would always want to know more and more as time goes on.