A lot of drivers today always get caught up in this twist. That is why proper training is meant to be conducted for drivers in other not to get into issues with their cars. Also, for individual car owners, proper car etiquette is advised – because they may not have all the necessary skills available to take good proper care of a car engine.

Engines are the most important part of a car. Without a good engine, driving would be frustrating for everyone.

Car engine oil plays a large role in the functionality of a car engine. How much your engine lasts is paramount to the capacity and quality of the engine oil you use. Changing the engine oil in the car is one of the easiest things to do.

A good car engine requires regular monitoring and constant change of the engine oil. This is important because it helps in increasing the performance of your car. It also extends the lifespan of the engine which will, in turn, save you from spending regularly on fixing your car at the auto-part store or repair shop.

How do you know when it’s time to change your car engine oil? In this article, you would be learning the metrics used to know when it’s due to change your car engine oil.


7 Signs to Look Out For When Your Car Engine Oil Needs a Change

When you understand your car and you know what to do when certain things happen, you should know that it is time to change your engine oil. These are the following ways to know when such things happen.

1. Check your engine

When you check your engine and it seems like it is beginning to act up, know that it is time to change your engine oil. The effectiveness of your engine depends totally on the quality of your engine oil and how often you change it. So, endeavor to keep a good lookout on how well your engine is performing while in use.

2. Engine Noise Knocking

You are driving, and you start hearing your engine knock – or when you are about to start your car, and on the verge of your car starting, your engine starts making some knocking sounds, that is when you should know that your engine oil needs to be changed. But you shouldn’t wait till you start hearing your engine make all those noises – regular checkups should be done on your car for better usage.

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3. Black dirty oil

This is a common sign for everyone as an indication that there is something wrong with the engine oil, and it needs to be changed. When clean oil is put into the engine, over time, it becomes filled with particles from the engine which eventually makes it turn dark. To know when this happens, always endeavor to check your engine oil at least once a month. How do you do this? Remove the dipstick, check the color of the oil, and clean it before putting it back into the oil tank.

4. The exhaust smoke

Out of your car’s tailpipe, there would be vapor coming out of it. When it has to deal with the engine, always look out for when you are trying to turn on the engine and it turns to smoke coming out of the tailpipe. When this happens, you could be having a faulty engine. Sometimes, it could be that it is an oil leakage somewhere in the car. but the exhaust tells a better story than something is wrong somewhere.

5. Oil smell inside your car

There are two things involved with this. When you start smelling oil inside of your car, it could be that there is an oil leakage somewhere which you would need to identify where it could be leaking, and when your car engine needs maintenance immediately. These are the two indications that something is wrong somewhere that needs urgent attention. Always look at the exhaust fume that comes out when trying to notice if there is something wrong with the engine of your car. In checking for oil leakage, there are places to check for these signs such as;

  • Oil Plug
  • Oil filter
  • Oil sending unit
  • Oil pan gasket
  • Head gasket
  • Cover gasket

6. Oil change reminder light

This is very informative right here. When driving, there is an engine change light that will indicate when the an urgent need to change your engine oil. The light will always glow for you to see and know that it is time to check on your engine. To check this, try to confirm with a dipstick oil checker to see if the problem is from the engine. If it is clarified that it is from the engine, fix it at once to avoid further problems.

7. Distance covered

Distance covered is also a factor when knowing when to change your car engine oil. When you run your engine on a long distance, and you begin to notice a change in its sound or its starts to malfunction, then you know it is time to change your engine oil. As a word of wisdom, you need to change your car engine oil after you must have gone 5000 or 10,000 kilometres. All these depend on the type and form of vehicle you use. The capacity which they cover would greatly affect the vehicle and the engine of the car.


Wrapping up: When to Change Your Car Engine Oil

Maintenance is key to making whatever you have last longer than the expected period. This is what should be expected when you have a car. In other, for it to last long, you need to have maintenance culture. And it should be applied with dedication. Yes! It might be just an object, but the goal is not just for you to be spending unnecessarily on car repairs. That is why the specific outlines have been listed to help you with what you need to know as a car owner.

For inquiries on a car sale, and auto parts sales, log on to www.carpartsonline.ng and get amazing non-stop benefits from our store with whooping discounts. Think auto, think www.carpartsonline.ng